Yesterday we floated down the Delaware River!! It was honestly one of the funnest things that I have done here. It was about an hour drive to French Town NJ. The drive was amazing! We passed through the cutest towns I have ever seen. There was so much farm land and little markets, the homes were huge with tons of land! It was SO nice to see so much open land.

This is the farm we stopped at on the way there, I saw a sign for fresh peaches and turned in so fast! They had these peaches called donut peaches, that were amazing! I got tomatoes, corn and cucumbers! I was so excited!
The river float was so fun! We got our tubes and hopped on a bus that took us to the river, then we just got in the water and started cruisin. Okay when I say cruisin I mean was a very slow current ha it was really relaxing though! So the funniest part of the whole day is when the exit was coming up and we had no idea, until a guy on a boat told us we better start swimming fast so we will make it in time for the exit (heaven forbid he offers us a ride!) We must have not realized how fast the current was because we tried to start swimming towards the side of the river but we were just being taken down stream, we both were laughing so hard and trying to swim at the same time, it was not working. We were just the girls who struggle! Finally we made it to the side of the river, we were both so out of breath! It was the biggest work out I have had all summer...sad I know, but so true. I realized that I lost my shirt during the struggle so I had to buy a Delaware River Float shirt, at least the shirt will remind me of this experience. We caught the bus back to our car and headed back to the farm to buy more produce! It was such a fun day! I wouldn't have changed a thing about it!

This was the half way point stop where we had a BBQ. The tables were just in the water and they were cooking on a boat! It was so fun!
That looks so dang fun and relaxing. How amazing is the BBQ on the water? Love it!